Range of Motion Testing

Range of Motion Test in Suffolk County, New York

Our providers are certified in th Range of Motion test, and performed muscle testing

Healthcare providers will provide an initial examination and assess the patient. Next they form an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan for recovery. One of the components of the exam is specific measurements of certain body parts. For example, patients with neck pain and stiffness might have difficulty moving the neck related to a car accident injury. When this happens, the doctor will ask the patient to turn their neck to the sides. Then the healthcare provider will use tools such as inclinometers, goniometers, and dynamometers. These fall within the category of range of motion test & muscle tests. Better equipment will yield more accurate findings. Sometimes patients will suffer permanent loss of motion. This is best documented with two tests. The Digital Range of Motion (dROM) and Digital Manual Muscle Testing (dMMT) are both used.

Digital Range of Motion Testing in Suffolk, NY (dROM)

A person’s range of motion is their ability to move a joint. Further, a joint is where two bones come together and motion usually occurs. For example, the elbow is a joint. It is where the humerus, the ulna and radius come together. This joint enables us to flex and extend our arm. Every joint in the body should yield a normal range of motion test. These normal vary on a patient to patient basis. However, the gold standard of normal is the American Medical Association’s guidelines. There is a normal guideline for every joint or part of the body.

Doctors treating joint problems find it crucial to determine what a patient’s range of motion is. This is before treatment begins and if with an injury, immediately after injury. Moreover, this serves to first document the degree of impairment a patient has. Next, doctors establish a starting point of treatment. During the treatment phases, doctors perform range of motion tests. Then they determine how a patient is progressing with treatment. Finally, they decide if the patient reached maximal improvement.

Doctors measure the range of motion of different parts of the body in varying ways. Some doctors do a range of motion test by observing patients move in different directions. Others may use a goniometer (a measuring devices with numbers on it) to do the range of motion test. Others may use an arthrodial protractor (A big compass) to measure movement. But the gold standard of measure today is Dual Inclinometry. This is according to the AMA’s guide to Impairment and disability (5th edition). Inclinometry is an electronic means of measuring range of motion. The measurement is completely without any examiner input or bias. This is important when establishing how injured a person is and their degree of disability. Furthermore, it will also determine their response to treatment.

Digital Manual Muscle Test (dMMT)

Doctors use muscle testing to determine how strong a person’s muscles are. This is important after injury to establish a starting point in treatment. The goal is establishing the return of normal strength after treatment.

It is very common for a muscle on one side of the body to be weaker than the other side in an injured person. Further this can be due to injury to the muscle itself or a problem with the nerves going to the muscle that make it weak. For example, if a person has a car accident injury to their neck, they may have a herniated disc. Further, this may cause a pinched nerve which will choke off nerve flow to a muscle in the body. This will cause pain and weakness in this muscle remote from the spine. This is common in conditions such as sciatica (pain down the leg). Likewise it is also found with arm and hand pain (brachial neuritis). The nerves are being pinched at the spine but rather causing pain to where they travel.

Therefore, muscle testing is part of the diagnostic workup of an injured patient. Injured nerves are evident in strength and weaknesses determined. Next, doctors identify affected spinal levels. These include injuries to the muscles themselves or underlying pathologies. Also, weak muscles can be due to many causes.

There are different methods or measuring muscle strength. The simplest way is for the doctor to put pressure against a muscle and ask the patient to resist the pressure. Then, the doctor tries to see if there is a difference between left and right. In some cases if there is no left or right, the doctor checks if the muscles are weak or strong (ie: extension of the neck). This method is very subjective on the part of the doctor and the patient’s effort can affect the outcome of the test.

The gold standard of muscle testing today is a dynamometer. This is an electronic hand-held device which relays information back to a computer. In addition the device relays the exact number of pounds of force the muscle is producing. Doctors conduct the muscle test 3 consecutive times. Valid tests must contain results within a certain degree. This takes the subjectivity away from the examiner. Finally, it also accounts for the patient not trying with every repetition. Finally, this tool gives the doctor a reliable reproducible result that is accurate.

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MUA Procedure
Functional Testing – Range of Motion & Muscle Tests– Patient Info Statement

All information provided in the Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Website (SPT&C) (the “Site”) regarding range of motion & muscle tests is for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract or other covenant or agreement of any kind between SPT&C and any person or entity unless otherwise expressly specified. The references torange of motion & muscle tests are intended to provide useful insight to potential patients. We take pride in delivering the best professional physical therapy and chiropractic services for the treatment of on-the-job injury and car accident cases. Our staff provides the highest level of physical therapy and chiropractic treatment. Our offices are in Melville and Islandia, NY.

Manipulation Under Anesthesia

Providers for Manipulation Under Anesthesia Near Me in New York

Doctors of Chiropractic providing quality care to those looking for manipultaion under anesthesia specialists

Certain conditions that may benefit from MUA

Firstly, spinal manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) is a specialized procedure. Hence, it is for patients that suffer from musculoskeletal disorders. These disorders can sometimes be acute, but generally are chronic. Earlier, these individuals have often been unresponsive to prior conservative therapy. Further, patients may have failed or reached a plateau with conservative treatments. They first try chiropractic, physical therapy, pain management, and/or surgical treatments. Overall, manipulation under anesthesia is an effective, non-invasive, specialized procedure. Additionally, doctors have performed it for over 70 years with special training.

What is Manipulation Under Anesthesia?

The MUA technique is for patients suffering from chronic pain. Formerly, these patients treat but do not find relief with conservative care. Also, it is effective for people with conditions caused by disabilities or accidents and for injuries that have not been responsive to conventional treatment. A board-certified anesthesiologist will be present to administer anesthesia during the procedure. Tight  muscles that have become shortened receive a gentle and gradual stretch. Moreover, a great number of our patients have a reduction in pain and an increase in flexibility.

Who Can Benefit from Manipulation Under Anesthesia in New York?

Manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) is often called Stretching under Sedation. This is because the procedure combines stretching with manual manipulation of the joints. Stretching under sedation better describes what occurs during the procedure. Specifically, it can be effective for helping people with chronic neck, back and joint problems. Finally, it is also effective for people with conditions caused by disabilities or accidents. Beyond that it is for injuries that have not been responsive to other treatments.

Chronic pain can be incredibly debilitating, impacting every aspect of a person’s life. Fortunately, advancements in medical practices have paved the way for new and innovative pain management techniques. In the heart of Long Island, renowned Chiropractor Dr. Thomas F. Dow has been transforming lives through his expertise in Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA). With over 14 years of experience in this field, Dr. Dow has successfully helped numerous individuals regain their quality of life and emerge from the clutches of unrelenting pain.

Understanding Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA)

Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) is a specialized procedure aimed at reducing pain, restoring motion, and increasing overall functionality in individuals suffering from chronic pain conditions. Typically, MUA is recommended when other conservative treatments like physical therapy, chiropractic care, or medication fail to produce significant relief.

Thomas F. Dow, DC: A Beacon of Hope for those struggling with chronic pain

Dr. Thomas F. Dow, an esteemed proponent of MUA, has dedicated years of his professional career to perfecting this technique. He is highly regarded as one of the leading experts in Long Island, with an impeccable track record of success stories. Driven by a deep commitment to relieving his patients’ pain and improving their quality of life, Dr. Dow’s holistic approach has helped hundreds of individuals return to their normal lives.

Dr. Dow’s Path to Excellence

Dr. Dow’s journey towards mastery in Manipulation Under Anesthesia began with his father Dr. Thomas E. Dow, Chiropractor and his unwavering passion for helping those burdened with chronic pain. Recognizing the limitations of conventional pain management, he sought to explore alternatives that would provide lasting relief. Through extensive research and collaboration with other medical professionals, Dr. Dow developed a deep understanding of MUA techniques and its potential benefits.

Dr. Dow’s Expertise

As a testament to his commitment to professionalism and patient care, Dr. Dow acquired rigorous training in Manipulation Under Anesthesia, including MUA protocols, advanced fellowship status presented by Dr. Robert Gordon, and specific MUA techniques. His extensive knowledge combined with years of practical experience allows him to tailor MUA procedures to suit the unique needs of each patient.

Transforming Lives, One Patient at a Time

Dr. Dow’s expertise in MUA has enabled him to create a profound impact on the lives of his patients. By relieving pain and restoring mobility, he has empowered individuals who had previously been resigned to a life defined by their suffering. The success stories and testimonials of those who have undergone MUA under Dr. Dow’s care speak volumes about his exceptional skills and dedication.

Journey To Health Through Manipulation Under Anesthesia

Dr. Thomas F. Dow from Long Island has become a shining beacon of hope for those struggling with chronic pain conditions. Through his expertise in Manipulation Under Anesthesia, he has provided countless individuals with a renewed lease on life, facilitating their journey to recovery and normalcy. Dr. Dow’s relentless pursuit of excellence and holistic approach has not only transformed his patients’ lives but has revolutionized pain management practices as well. With compassionate care and exceptional skills, Dr. Dow continues to be a healthcare professional worthy of recognition and admiration.

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MUA Procedure
Manipulation Under Anesthesia – MUA – Patient Info Statement

All information provided in the Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Website (SPT&C) (the “Site”) regarding Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) is for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract or other covenant or agreement of any kind between SPT&C and any person or entity unless otherwise expressly specified. The references to “Manipulation Under Anesthesia near me” are intended to provide useful insight to potential patients. We take pride in delivering the best professional physical therapy and chiropractic services. Our staff provides the highest level of care when it comes to healthcare. Our offices are in Melville and Islandia, NY.

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal Decompression in Suffolk County, NY

DRX9000 True Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy

Certain conditons that may benefit with Spinal Decompression:

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression was first introduced in 1991. Dr. Allan Dyer, a medical doctor invented the first spinal decompression machine. His invention the Vax-D was the first of its kind. On the Vax-D table the patient would lay face down while receiving decompression. In the early 2000’s the DRX9000® emerged and over the years the table has become more refined. The DRX9000® is the table of choice due to the research and engineering behind the machine. DRX9000® uses a logarithmic curve to pinpoint the disc level. It is also equipped with a servo motor that will apply a very specific and reliable amount to pressure. At any given moment while the machine is running its cycle the force is at a constant. The computers have the ability to receive patient feedback such as spasm or movement. The feedback will make the motor adjust so the pull is continuous.

Heranited Disc Decompression in Suffolk County, NY

Spinal Decompression Therapy is a technique specific to herniated and bulging discs. It is a common technique for people suffering sub-acute or chronic pain due to disc problems. The goal is to create a negative pressure inside the disc by pulling apart the spinal vertebrae. Since the discs attach to the vertebrae of the spine, there is no change for them to slip away. The term slipped disc refers to the condition such as a herniated disc. Doctors apply distraction force to the spine in treatment. This allows the disc to receive nutrients that will help it heal. The duration of every procedure varies, but it is usually 25-30 minutes long laying face up on the table.


DRX9000 for disc conditions 94 person research study

A 94 person research study proves that a series of 20 sessions is quite effective in reducing pain. Over a 8 week period of time using the DRX9000, decreased pain in about 83% of the research group. Furthermore patients reported improved activities of daily living. There was a satisfaction rating of 8.55 out of 10.

Research Source: PubMed (nih.gov)

The Reasons why the DRX9000 works so well

Spinal decompression Therapy helps to not only decrease pain, but also retract disc material. Trauma damaged discs can degenerate if they are not treated in a correct fashion. This damage can be due to a whiplash injury, slip and fall, or an injury at work. Spinal degenerative disc disease (DDD) happens when the disc loses its height. DDD often results in formation of permanent bone spurs and arthritic joints. Therefore, Spinal Decompression Therapy helps to regenerate or build up the disc height. For example, a case study done using the DRX9000 utilized MRI Interpretation. This was as an outcome assessment tool and control. The results are remarkable in fact! They show that the procedures have a hydrating effect on the spinal discs.

Research Source: Orthopedic Surgery Spine

Spinal Decompression Therapy For Herniated Disc: The Chiropractic Approach

If you are dealing with back pain, neck pain of spinal pain it is important to see a chiropractor that specializes in spinal decompression therapy. The reality is that most of the time these herniated discs do not cause any issues whatsoever. However, if herniated discs are leading to symptoms, it is important to address them immediately. The longer you wait the less likely it becomes to be a candidate for this groundbreaking procedure. Eventually it will become too late to get the full benefit of spinal decompression.

Research is shown to prove three major outcomes of spinal decompression therapy. The first thing we know is that spinal decompression therapy is proven to increase the space between the bones when done over the course of 6-8 weeks. Second, Spinal decompression therapy is proven to reduce herniated disc material called the “nucleus pulposus”. Third, the spinal decompression therapy when done correctly will reduce pain and symptoms in over 80% of the people receiving it. If is a viable option and amongst the safest procedures the exist when dealing with a painful and symptomatic herniated disc.

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Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression – DRX9000 – Patient Info Statement

All information provided in the Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Website (SPT&C) (the “Site”) regarding decompression is for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract or other covenant or agreement of any kind between SPT&C and any person or entity unless otherwise expressly specified. The references to decompression are intended to provide useful insight to potential patients. We take pride in delivering the best professional physical therapy and chiropractic services. Our staff provides the highest level of care when it comes to healthcare. Our offices are in Melville and Islandia, NY.

MRI Interpretation

Doctors for MRI in Suffolk, NY can read or prescribe an MRI after a accident or injury.

Doctors for MRI in Suffolk, NY can help get you the most accurate diagnosis after a car accident injury or occupational injury.

Some Conditions that are best seen on MRI:

  • Bulging Disc
  • Herniated Disc
  • Sequestered Disc
  • Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tear
  • Knee Meniscus Tear
  • Knee Collateral Ligament Tear
  • Interspinous Ligament Tear
  • Traumatic Acute Spodylolysis
  • Syringomyelia
  • Tendon or Ligament Injuries
  • Spondylodiscitis

An MRI examination is a crucial diagnostic tool that helps healthcare professionals diagnose and evaluate various medical conditions. If you live in Suffolk, NY, and require an MRI, it is essential to find a competent and experienced doctor who specializes in this field. Our Doctors of Chiropractic are proficient in reviewing MRI findings. You don’t need to worry about the process of finding the best doctor for an MRI in Suffolk, NY. We can ensuring that you receive accurate results and high-quality care.

Understanding the Importance of Finding the Right MRI Doctor to order the Testing

If you are in Suffolk, NY, and in need of a doctor for an MRI, it is important to choose a professional who not only understands your specific condition. But also, possesses the expertise in interpreting spinal MRIs. When it comes to healthcare providers in suffolk, we stand out. Our trusted healthcare professionals offer a range of specialized services. Their team includes doctors of chiropractic who have immense skill in the interpretation of spinal MRIs. This makes them an ideal choice for individuals seeking accurate and thorough diagnostics.

Advantages of Reputable Doctors for MRI in Suffolk, NY

One of the primary advantages of turning to our Doctors of Chiropractic is their in-depth knowledge of the musculoskeletal system. This expertise enables them to effectively analyze and interpret MRI scans of the spine, making them exceptionally well-suited to identify conditions or abnormalities that may be causing pain requiring pain management. Moreover, we go the extra mile to ensure that patients receive personalized care tailored to their specific needs. If you have recently been in a car accident or experienced any type of injury, their doctors of chiropractic can evaluate your condition comprehensively. They not only interpret MRIs but also have the ability to prescribe the appropriate testing required for a detailed assessment of your injuries.

Having a healthcare provider who can handle both diagnostic interpretation and make informed recommendations for further testing can save you valuable time and unnecessary medical appointments. By choosing us, you can benefit from comprehensive and seamless care, all under one roof.

Helping people get better and receive accurate MRI results after an Injury

We offer a variety of other services designed to assist individuals in their recovery process. From chiropractic adjustments to physical therapy, their multidisciplinary approach ensures that patients receive holistic care that addresses the root cause of their condition.

The convenience and quality of care we provide make it an excellent choice for those seeking a doctor for MRI in Suffolk, NY. By relying on their knowledgeable team of doctors of chiropractic, you can rest assured that the interpretation of your spinal MRI will be accurate, insightful, and put you on the path to recovery. Don’t let pain or discomfort hinder your quality of life any longer. Reach out to us today and schedule an appointment with their experienced doctors of chiropractic. Take advantage of their expertise in interpreting spinal MRIs and receive the personalized care you deserve, whether you have experienced a car accident or any other type of injury.

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Doctors for MRI in Suffolk County, NY – Patient Info Statement

All information provided in the Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Website (SPT&C) (the “Site”) regarding Doctors for MRI in Suffolk, NY is for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract or other covenant or agreement of any kind between SPT&C and any person or entity unless otherwise expressly specified. The references to Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) are intended to provide useful insight to potential patients. We take pride in delivering the best professional physical therapy and chiropractic services. Our staff provides the highest level of care when it comes to healthcare. Our offices are in Melville and Islandia, NY.

Digital X-Ray Imaging

Chiropractic doctor with x ray in Suffolk County, New York

Our Chiropractors use state of the art X-Ray Diagnostic Imaging Machines to help get the right diagnosis

Both offices have digital X-Ray imaging machines. This gives our providers the ability to come to an accurate diagnosis within seconds. The results are available almost immediately after exposure. This gives us an advantage when evaluating and treating patients in our locations. Our chiropractors maintain licenses in New York State to use the radiology equipment. Our providers know the right techniques and can read and interpret the X-ray images. Radiographs first come from the X-ray beam penetrating the patient. Next, they pass to the receiving panel. Within the receiving panel are CCD detectors that adsorb the X-rays. The information then gets sent to a computer. The computer has specialized software to generate the image. Furthermore, it has tools to help the doctors alter the contrast and brightness. This allows for less mistakes and lower chance of the provider having to re-take the exposure.

What is so good about Digital X-Ray Imaging and how is it different than going to any other doctor with X Ray technology?

Digital X-rays use computers instead of film to capture and store radiographic images. An advantage of digital X-rays is that they use less radiation than traditional X-rays. This results in a reduction in the radiation exposure. Because they’re on a computer, our doctors send results to other providers easier. In addition, enhancements and views in different ways are possible. This makes it easier for your healthcare provider to diagnose a medical condition. They are also often used to track treatment progress. And finally, they don’t rely on chemicals for image processing. Digital X-rays can yield results much quicker than traditional film radiographic images.

X-rays are most often used to check bones and to get images of the lungs and chest cavity. Certain other applications as well, such as the detection and diagnosis of cancer. Fluoroscopy uses radiology technology and fluorescent light to produce moving images. This is also called motion X-ray. It can help your doctor visualize processes going on inside your body. Doctors can use fluoroscopy for diagnosis or certain instabilities. It is also used in some types of pain management medical procedures to help guide the surgical instruments.

Source: windsorradiology.com

What is Digital X-Ray Imaging Used For?

Doctors use digital x-rays to diagnose problems with bone, teeth, or organs. To a lesser extent, they can also pick up your body fat, muscle, and even the air in your lungs! They produce images of the area of concern, allowing doctors to see various issues. These help pinpoint breaks, fractures, abnormal growths, and structural issues with certain organs.

Digital x-rays help narrow down the possible causes of pain. X-rays are beneficial when a patient has pain not caused by obvious trauma such as an accident or injury. For example, these x-rays can zero in on joint damage caused by arthritis. Depending on the problems, a doctor might wish to x-ray an area of the body distant from the pain or other issue.

Source: neighborhoodrad.com

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Spinal Decompression
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Digital X-Ray
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Digital X Ray Doctor in Suffolk, NY– Patient Info Statement

All information provided in the Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Website (SPT&C) (the “Site”) regarding digital x-ray imaging is for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract or other covenant or agreement of any kind between SPT&C and any person or entity unless otherwise expressly specified. The references to digital x-ray imaging are intended to provide useful insight to potential patients. We take pride in delivering professional physical therapy and chiropractic services. Our staff provides the highest level of care when it comes to X-rays and dianostic imaging. Our offices are in Melville and Islandia, NY.