No Fault Chiropractor

Seeking a No-Fault Chiropractor Near You?

To Provide Comprehensive Quality Care For Those Searching “No-Fault Chiropractor Near Me”

Finding The Right No-Fault Chiropractor Near You

If you had a car accident injury, finding the right healthcare provider who specializes in treating injuries is ideal. We are here to help and should be your first choice. With a team of skilled and experienced providers, we understand the unique challenges faced by accident victims. We are here to offer comprehensive care for a swift recovery to get you back of your feet. Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic serves the Suffolk County, NY and Long Island community. We are here to help provide a no-fault chiropractor near you.

Understanding Injuries from Car Accidents

Car accidents can result in a wide range of injuries, many of which will need the expert care of a qualified no fault chiropractor. Common car accident injuries are whiplash injury, neck and back injuries, sprains, strains, and soft tissue damage. Our chiropractors specialize in diagnostic testing and treating these injuries. they address the root causes and providing effective pain relief techniques. Our providers have extensive knowledge in assessing car accident-related injuries. Moreover, ensuring patients receive appropriate treatment plans tailored to their specific needs.

Why We are a Good Fit for Car Accident Victims

When searching for a no-fault chiropractor near you, look no further than our offices. Our state-of-the-art facilities prioritizes patient care to deliver exceptional results. Here’s why we are the ideal choice for accident victims:


Highly Skilled Providers

Our experienced no-fault chiropractors have a true understanding of the complexities of car accident injuries. They use evidence-based techniques to optimize the recovery process and restore optimal function.

Comprehensive Treatment Plans

Our staff and our holistic approach addresses both the symptoms and the underlying causes of injuries. With Chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, and rehabilitation modalities we help you recover.

Cutting-Edge Facilities

Our offices feature modern equipment and advanced technologies, enabling us to have an advantage. We stay up to date with the latest research and techniques to ensure our patients receive the highest standards of care.

Streamlined No-Fault Car Accident Insurance Process

Dealing with insurance claims after a car accident can be overwhelming. Yet, we aim to make it as hassle-free as possible by helping with the necessary paperwork. Our dedicated staff will assist you in navigating the no-fault insurance process. Our goal in to ensure you receive the healthcare coverage you deserve.

3 Reasons to see a No-Fault Chiropractor Near You After A Car Accident


Expertise in Auto Accident Injuries

No fault chiropractors specialize in treating auto accident injuries, specifically those related to the musculoskeletal system. They are highly experienced in diagnosing and treating conditions such as whiplash, neck and back pain, and soft tissue injuries commonly associated with car accidents. Choosing a no fault chiropractor who specializes in these injuries means you are opting for a professional who understands the complexities of auto accidents and can provide targeted care for your specific needs.

Non-Invasive and Non-Surgical Treatment Approach

Chiropractors primarily use non-invasive techniques to treat injuries, focusing on manual adjustments, rehabilitative exercises, and other natural therapies to restore function and alleviate pain. This approach can be particularly beneficial after an auto accident, where patients may prefer to avoid invasive procedures or heavy reliance on medications. Chiropractic care can help promote natural healing, reduce inflammation, and rehabilitate spinal discs without resorting to surgeries or strong painkillers.

Natural Approach to Pain Management

No fault chiropractors often take a holistic approach to patient care, considering not only the physical aspects of your injuries but also your overall health and well-being. They may provide advice on nutrition, stress management, ergonomics, and lifestyle changes to enhance your recovery and prevent future pain or injuries. This comprehensive approach to wellness ensures that you receive personalized care that considers your individual circumstances and aims to improve your overall quality of life beyond just the immediate post-accident issues.

5 Reasons To Find A No-Fault Chiropractor Near You in New York


Early intervention

Seeking chiropractic care immediately after a car accident allows for early intervention and treatment. This can help prevent any potential injuries or musculoskeletal issues from worsening or becoming chronic. Prompt treatment can contribute to a faster recovery and better long-term health outcomes.

Hidden injuries

After a car accident, some injuries may not immediately manifest symptoms. Delaying chiropractic care could result in underlying injuries going undiagnosed and untreated. Soft tissue injuries, such as whiplash, may not show symptoms until hours or even days after the accident. By receiving an evaluation from a no-fault chiropractor early on, these hidden injuries can be identified and treated promptly.

Documenting acute injuries

Seeking immediate chiropractic care provides essential documentation of injuries caused by the car accident. Delaying treatment can raise questions from insurance companies and potentially make it more challenging to attribute injuries to the accident. Early chiropractic evaluation and treatment can establish a clear link between the accident and any resulting injuries, which may be necessary for legal or insurance purposes.

Preventing long-term chronic pain and complications

Prompt chiropractic care can help prevent long-term complications that may arise from car accident injuries. Injuries to the spine, neck, or musculoskeletal system can lead to chronic pain, limited mobility, and reduced quality of life if left untreated for an extended period. By addressing these injuries early through chiropractic care, the chances of developing long-term complications can be minimized.

Avoiding no-fault car insurance issues like denial of benefits

In some cases, insurance policies may have specific time limits or deadlines for seeking medical treatment after a car accident. In New York it is typically 30 days after the accident. Waiting too long to see a no-fault chiropractor may jeopardize your ability to file a claim or receive coverage for your injuries. To ensure you receive the necessary compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering, it is crucial to seek timely chiropractic care.

Things to Remember when searching for “No Fault Chiropractor near me” online

When searching for a “no fault chiropractor near me” following a car accident, you don’t know exactly what you are getting. Choosing us you can rest assured you will get committed providers and top-notch care. Furthermore, providers who specialize in treating car accident-related injuries. With a patient-centered approach, and comprehensive treatment plans, our offices stand out from the rest. Don’t settle for less when it comes to your well-being after a car accident. Call us today for compassionate care and expertise that will guide you back on the road to wellness.

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No Fault Chiropractor Near me – Auto Accident Treatment – Patient Info Statement

All information provided in the Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Website (SPT&C) (the “Site”) regarding no fault chiropractic and associated diagnosis and treatment is for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract or other covenant or agreement of any kind between SPT&C and any person or entity unless otherwise expressly specified. The references to chiropractic techniques are intended to provide useful insight to potential patients. We take pride in delivering the best professional physical therapy and chiropractic services for the treatment of on-the-job injury and car accident cases. Our staff provides the highest level of physical therapy and chiropractic treatment. Our offices are in Melville and Islandia, NY.

Chiropractor for Slipped Disc – Herniated Disc

Our providers are not your average slipped disc chiropractor

Providing information on slipped disc chiropractor information. Our providers are well-versed in reading MRI’s and providing quality herniated disc treatment.

Slipped Disc Chiropractor that Specializes in Herniated Discs

A slipped disc chiropractor, also known as a chiropractor who specializes in disc herniations or disc injuries, is a healthcare professional who focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of spinal conditions, including slipped discs. Finding the right slipped disc chiropractor in Suffolk County, NY is a difficult task, luckily our providers are trained in a non-surgical spinal decompression, a mechanical approach, especially concerning the spine and musculoskeletal system.

When a patient presents with a slipped disc, a chiropractor will typically perform a thorough examination to assess the severity and location of the injury. This may involve reviewing the patient’s medical history, conducting physical examinations, and possibly looking over diagnostic imaging (such as X-rays or MRI scans) to get a better understanding of the disc herniation.

Chiropractors use spinal adjustments to treat patients. There are although, many other chiropractic techniques that exist. They help for treating the spine, joints and tissues. Also, these techniques relieve pain and improve circulation. Each patient needs a specific treatment plan to achieve the best results. Our practice utilizes a wide range of methods. Addressing neuromusculoskeletal and general health issues is key for doctors. Further, chiropractic techniques focus on soft tissue therapy and strength training. However, not all pain is related to misalignments in the spine. Without the proper diagnostic testing like MRI, slipped disc can go undetected. A chiropractor that is certified in MRI interpretation can easily detect a herniated or bulging disc. So if you are looking for a slipped disc chiropractor and think you may have pain from a disc, then contact our office immediately.

Various Chiropractic Techniques That Can Help With a Slipped Disc

Once the diagnosis is established, the chiropractor will use various techniques to treat the slipped disc. These techniques may include:


Spinal Decompression Therapy

Chiropractors may utilize spinal decompression therapy, which involves gently stretching the spine using a specialized intelligent table. This technique aims to create a negative pressure within the disc space, promoting the retraction of herniated disc material, relieving pressure thus improving nerve function, and facilitating healing.

Soft Tissue Therapy

Chiropractors may incorporate soft tissue therapies such as massage, myofascial release, or trigger point therapy to address muscle imbalances and tension that can contribute to disc injuries. These techniques can help relax tight muscles, improve circulation, and enhance overall healing.

Spinal Adjustments

Chiropractors use hands-on spinal adjustments to restore proper spinal alignment and mobility. By applying controlled and precise forces to the affected area, they can help relieve pressure on the injured disc and surrounding structures. This can reduce pain, inflammation, and promote healing.

Lifestyle Modifications and Education

Chiropractors often offer guidance on lifestyle modifications and ergonomics to help prevent further disc injury. They may provide education on proper posture, body mechanics, weight loss, and recommendations for ergonomic changes in the workplace or daily activities.

Back Brace for Lower back Pain

Chiropractors that have durable medical equipment in their office can prescribe a lumbar support brace that will aide in recovery from acute lower back pain, or leg pain from a herniated disc injury.

Chiropractic Manipulation – Adjustment

Chiropractors manipulate the spine and joints. Doctors apply various levels of pressure and movement to the patient’s extremities. Adjustments go beyond the normal limits imposed by the tendons, ligaments and muscles. We focus on bringing the spine into alignment. Then this helps relieve a patient’s pain and tension. Which results in an improvement in patients’ health. Relaxation during spinal manipulation is important. Thus, this requires that the patient place trust in the hands of the chiropractor. The aim of this treatment is to reduce the subluxation (misalignment). Then, this results in an increased range of movement and reduced nerve irritation. Moreover improved functioning of the body is noted.

Diversified Chiropractic Technique

The chiropractic diversified technique is the most popular technique today. This technique applies a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust. The treatment is one of the most generic chiropractic manipulative techniques. In fact, it is different from other techniques in its goal. The aim is to restore proper movement and alignment of spine and joint dysfunction. Further, this approach addresses biomechanical failure. Treatment relates to partial dislocation or subluxation. Thus, it can be helpful in each part of the spine.

HIO Upper Cervical Specific Technique

The hole-in-one upper cervical specific chiropractic method adjusts the atlas. The atlas is the top vertebra at the base of the skull. This is to improve health and facilitate correction of dislocations. Specifically, this treatment focuses on the alignment of the atlas only. The Atlas supports the head and often weighs as much as 14 lbs. When the atlas is out of alignment it can put tremendous stress and pressure on the nerves. Those nerves run from the brain through the openings in the atlas to the rest of the body. Furthermore, this treatment centers the head so the body’s alignment of shoulders are equal to the hips.

Gonstead Chiropractic Technique

The Gonstead technique is a full spine technique. It uses x-rays as a reference for curves of the spine and for disc spaces. Hence, this technique of chiropractic begins with a basic biomechanical principle of physics. Firstly, the pelvis and joints form the body’s foundation. Secondly, this bony structure consists of hip bones and the lower bones of the back. In addition, when they are level, there is balance and stability in the spinal column. Significant changes may occur in the body if these bones become tilted or rotated out of their proper position. Gonstead adjustments use a specific low amplitude force application. The short lever is the specific contact on the vertebra near or on the vertebral midline. The high velocity is the quick application of force. The low amplitude controls the force depth keeping it at a shallow level. In conclusion, this is to allow just enough to effect the disc and joint.

Cox Flexion Distraction Therapy

Use of the Cox flexion – distraction technique may eliminate the need for back surgery. Chiropractic patients with chronic low back pain often find relief from this technique. Treatment involves flexing various joints and muscles. Doctors use a special table designed to increase range of motion. Chiropractors use this technique for patients with sciatica, herniated or bulging disks. In time, it helps to stretch the bulging or herniated disc. This is also called spinal traction. Chiropractic treatment implements cox technique to treat lumbar disc disorders. Furthermore, chiropractors use specialized cox tables via mechanical-force. A herniated lumbar disc can press on the nerves in the spine. Then, this may cause pain, numbness, tingling or weakness of the leg called “sciatica.” Flexion-distraction will require you to lie on a special chiropractic table. Next, the table will gently stretch your spine and correct disc bulges or herniations.

Pelvic Drop Technique (Thompson Drop)

Pelvic drop is treatment using specialized chiropractic tables. These tables have the capability of elevating and dropping with the adjustment. This technique permits increased velocity with greater motion induced into the pelvic joints. Pelvic drop restores motion in the pelvis by reducing tilting to one side or the other. Few people suffer from anatomical asymmetry causing the lower extremities to be unlevel. In short, pelvic un-leveling or sacroiliac joint subluxations have more common sources. Hence, this is often caused by work postures, recreational habits, or even a broken-down chair at home. Also, muscle imbalances are frequently part of this syndrome. The most common is weakness of the hip extensor muscles.

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MUA Procedure
Slipped Disc Chiropractor – Suffolk County, NY – Patient Info Statement

All information provided in the Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Website (SPT&C) (the “Site”) regarding slipped disc chiroprator and chiropractic treatment is for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract or other covenant or agreement of any kind between SPT&C and any person or entity unless otherwise expressly specified. The references to chiropractic manipulation are intended to provide useful insight to potential patients. We take pride in delivering the best professional physical therapy and chiropractic services for the treatment of on-the-job injury and car accident cases. Our staff provides the highest level of physical therapy and chiropractic treatment. Our offices are in Melville and Islandia, NY.

Durable Medical Equipment – Back Brace For Lower Back Pain

Back Brace for Lower Back Pain – Medical Equipment For Injuries

We have the medical equpiment on-site, including a back brace for lower back pain or perhaps other medical equipment you may need for pain and discomfort.

Durable Medical Equipment (DME) includes any item that a patient receives to aid in recovery and treatment. According to Medicare has criteria DME must meet to qualify standards. The Criteria are:

  • Durable (can withstand repeated use)
  • Used for a medical reason
  • Useless to someone who isn’t sick or injured
  • Used in your home
  • Life expectancy of at least 3 years


Lumbosacral Orthosis (LSO) – Back Brace For Lower Back Pain

Bracing involves supporting a part of the body which needs support due to an injury or weakness. For example, if a patient has an injured lower back, the doctor may recommend a lumbar brace for support. This would continue until the injured areas heal. Many different types of lumbar supports exist. They depend on the areas injured and degree of injury.

There are braces made for about every part of the body. Also, there are some for shoulders, ankles, etc. Each of them help support an injured or weak area. Moreover, braces are used after surgery for the areas operated on. Finally, it is for support and many times to limit mobility until the part can heal. A back brace can play a significant role in the recovery and management of lower back pain after a car accident injury. Here are some important reasons why a back brace is crucial in such situations:

Support and Stability

Lower back pain after a car accident injury often results from damage to the muscles, ligaments, or spine. A back brace provides support and stability to the affected area, reducing pressure on the injured structures. This helps prevent excessive movement, promoting proper alignment and posture, and allowing the injured tissues to heal without strain.

Back Brace for Lower Back Pain Relief

Back braces can help alleviate pain by providing compression and reducing muscle spasms or excessive movement. The pressure applied by the brace can stimulate sensory receptors, which may help reduce the perception of pain.

Limiting Range of Motion

A back brace can restrict the range of motion of the lower back, preventing excessive bending, twisting, or sudden movements. By limiting these motions, it reduces the risk of further injury or aggravation to the damaged structures and allows the body to heal more effectively.

Promoting Healing

The stability provided by a back brace allows the injured tissues to heal more efficiently. By minimizing movement and reducing stress on the affected area, a back brace can aid in the recovery process and support the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Psychological Support

Wearing a back brace can provide psychological reassurance and confidence to individuals suffering from lower back pain. It can act as a reminder to maintain proper posture and avoid activities that may exacerbate the pain, helping individuals feel more secure and providing a sense of control over their condition.

Facilitating Rehabilitation

Back braces are often prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for lower back pain after a car accident injury. They can assist in the early stages of rehabilitation by providing support during physical therapy exercises, allowing individuals to perform the movements more comfortably and safely.

Key to using a back brace for lower back pain

It is important to note that back braces should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional, as they are not a standalone solution for lower back pain. They should be combined with appropriate care plan, chiropractic, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications to optimize recovery and achieve long-term results.

Neck Traction Device (Cervical Traction Unit)

A cervical traction device is an important tool in the rehabilitation of spinal discs after a cervical disc injury. Here are several reasons why it is crucial in this process:

Traction of Spinal Discs

A cervical disc injury often involves compression or herniation of the discs in the neck region. A traction device assists in stretching the affected discs by gently stretching the cervical spine. This gentle traction helps to create space between the vertebrae, reducing pressure on the injured discs and promoting the retraction of herniated material. By relieving the compression, it allows the discs to heal and regenerate.

Neck Pain Relief

Cervical traction can alleviate neck pain associated with disc injuries. By creating separation between the vertebrae, it reduces pressure on the nerves, relieving pain and reducing inflammation. The traction device also helps to stretch the muscles and soft tissues around the neck, further promoting pain relief.

Restoring Proper Alignment and Neck Curvature

Certain neck traction devices can help restore proper curvature of the spinal vertebrae. It assists in realigning the neck and reducing any abnormal curvature caused by the disc injury. By restoring proper alignment, it can help alleviate symptoms like neck stiffness and improve overall spinal health. This neck traction device is as known as a cervical curve corrector.

Improving Blood Flow and Nutrient Supply

The gentle stretching provided by a cervical traction device can enhance blood flow to the injured discs. Improved blood circulation brings essential nutrients and oxygen to the damaged areas, facilitating healing and regeneration of discs. It also helps in removing metabolic waste products that may accumulate due to the injury.

Promoting Healing and Rehydration

Cervical traction aids in the healing and rehydration of the injured discs. The stretching forces applied by the device can help draw fluid back into the discs, promoting their hydration and improving their shock-absorbing capabilities. This rehydration process aids in the restoration of disc height and functionality.

Facilitating Rehabilitation and Recovery after Injury

A neck traction device is often used as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation program for cervical disc injuries. It can be combined with other treatments such as physical therapy exercises, manual therapy, and pain management techniques to optimize recovery. The device assists in preparing the injured discs for further therapy, making the rehabilitation process more effective and efficient.

Shoe Orthotic Inserts and Back Pain

Firstly, shoe orthotics are a kind of insole that help relieve foot pain and much more. The feet are the foundation of the whole body. Hence, like a building, if the foundation is not strong and level, stress and weakness occur. Next, walls may crack over time and the windows may fall out from the abnormal pressure. If it were the statue of liberty, the torch may fall to the ground after enough years (ie: Leaning Tower of Pisa). Thus, problems in your feet can cause similar issues in your body.

How do orthotic Inserts improve my function

The foundation of the human body needs to be strong, level and stable. If not, every body part above it and every joint above it will stress and can show a problem. Shoe orthotics helps in the treatment of leg pain and discomfort. Also, they help provide a normal foundation for the rest of the body. There are several different types of shoe orthotics. Some are rigid, some are soft and flexible. Your doctor will determine which is best for you. Generally, doctors take an impression of the patient’s foot with either of two methods. One is with a plastic mold which is non-weight bearing.

The second uses a styrofoam mold that the patient steps in to create and impression of the feet. Next, these molds are then sent to a lab where an orthotic device custom for that foot. Patients slip the device into the shoes or sneakers that they wear. Orthotics could help if you have a collapsed arch, bunion, hammertoes, or heel spurs, . Similarly, they also will help fix the biomechanics that may have caused these problems in the first place. The orthotics go inside of your shoes and sneakers. Further, they are usually broken in over several weeks with wear for a few hours each day of increasing intervals.

How can orthotics preserve my body

Another important thing about shoe orthotics is that they create a level foundation. If you have one leg shorter than the other often the doctor will add a heel to the orthotic to make the leg lengths equal. In fact, this provides a situation where you produce equal pressure on the knees, hips, pelvis, and spine. Further, this prevents early degeneration and arthritis from accruing in these areas. If you are having pain and getting adjusted by your chiropractor, you need to address an unlevel foundation. Also, your chiropractic adjustments will never hold in place until this foundation stabilized. Additionally, shoe orthotic inserts are often called spinal pelvic stabilizers.

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Durable Medical Equipment – Back Brace For Lower Back Pain

All information provided in the Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Website (SPT&C) (the “Site”) regarding range of orthotics & bracing is for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract or other covenant or agreement of any kind between SPT&C and any person or entity unless otherwise expressly specified. The references to orthotics & bracing are intended to provide useful insight to potential patients. We take pride in delivering the best professional physical therapy and chiropractic services for the treatment of on-the-job injury and car accident cases. Our staff provides the highest level of physical therapy and chiropractic treatment. Our offices are in Melville and Islandia, NY.

No Fault Physical Therapy

Car Accident No-Fault Physical Therapy Near You in Suffolk County, NY

No Fault Physical Therapists are experts in the movement and function of the human body. Their goal is to promote the patient’s ability to move and to reduce pain. Then, it shifts to restoring function. Also, it can also prevent disability! Physical therapists work alongside their patients more so than other practitioners. For example, designed treatment plans are for your individual goals, challenges, and needs. Receiving no fault physical therapy near you is rarely a passive activity. Participating in your own recovery can be empowering! No Fault Physical Therapy near you after a car accident is usually crucial to avoid residuals. The need to decrease inflammation and reduce muscle spasms in the neck and lower back can help with healing. Our car accident doctors of physical therapy can help regain your motion using gentle techniques. Make sure to select a physical therapist that accepts no-fault car insurance to reduce expenses.

Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic: Specializing in Injury Rehabilitation from Car and Work Accidents

Recovering from injuries from in car accidents or finding a worker comp injury doctor is crucial. Finding the right rehabilitation is important for recovering to pre-accident condition. Our commitment is to provide exceptional care and specialized treatment. Furthermore, this also applies for individuals involved in accidents. With a team of injury doctors meaning thte chiropractors and physical threapists, we offer various modalities tailored to each patient’s needs. This will ensure a smooth transition back to optimal health and functionality.

Understanding Injury Rehabilitation

Injury rehabilitation is a crucial aspect of recovery for accident victims. At Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted to assess the nature and extent of the injuries sustained. This evaluation helps determine the most suitable treatment plan, tailored to each patient’s individual circumstances.

Types of Physical Therapy Modalities

No-Fault Manual Therapy

This hands-on technique involves skilled manipulation of the injured area. It aims to reduce muscle spasms, lessen pain, restore mobility, and improve function. Manual therapy techniques include soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, and muscle energy techniques.

No-Fault Therapeutic Exercises

These exercises designed to improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Our Physical Therapy team creates personalized exercise programs to address specific needs. Thus, helping patients regain their physical capabilities after an injury.

No-Fault Electrical Stimulation Therapy

Electrical stimulation is a gentle modality in physical therapy. It involves the application of a low-level electrical current to the affected area. Thus, promoting pain relief, treating muscle spasms, and facilitating tissue healing.

No-Fault Ultrasound Therapy

This therapy uses ultrasound waves to generate deep heat within tissues. Furthermore, enhancing blood flow and promoting healing. This therapy also aids in reducing inflammation and relieving pain.

No-Fault Cold Compression Therapy

Cold compression therapy combines the benefits of cold therapy (reducing inflammation) and compression. It is greatly effective in reducing pain and promoting healing in injured tissues.

No-Fault Heat Therapy

The application of heat to injured areas increases blood flow and promotes muscle relaxation. The result is that it alleviates pain, both acute pain and chronic pain. This modality is especially beneficial for chronic conditions and muscle spasms.

Specializing in Post Trauma Physical Rehabilitation – No Fault Physical Therapy and Authorized Workers Comp Providers

For individuals involved in a car accident whiplash injury, “no fault physical therapy” can be a crucial aspect of their recovery. This type of physical therapy refers to an car accident claim, where the injured party seeks rehabilitation. Our focus is providing accident and injury care services. Most of all ensuring that victims receive necessary treatment without financial roadblocks.

Expertise in Car Accident Injuries

Car accident injuries often include whiplash, sprains, strains, fractures, and soft tissue damage. At Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic, the physical therapists are experienced in treating these specific injuries and providing tailored care plans.

People looking for Car Accident Physical Therapy

In addition to specializing in no fault physical therapy, we is also are well-versed in the unique challenges faced by car accident victims during their recovery. By concentrating on accident and injury care, the facility helps accident victims regain strength, mobility, and functionality, enabling them to return to their daily activities pain-free.

To Sum it Up

Recovering from injuries sustained in car and work accident treatment can be a challenging journey. However, with the specialized care and comprehensive treatment options available at Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic, accident victims can achieve optimal recovery. By offering a range of physical therapy modalities, tailored treatment plans, and expertise in providing physical therapy services to someone with no-fault insurance and looking for car accident physical therapy. We are very committed to helping accident victims regain their quality of life. If you or someone you know has been injured, it’s essential to seek professional care promptly from Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic to expedite the recovery process. Contact us here for more information.

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Physical Therapy – Pain Treatment – Mobility Improvement Patient Info Statement

All information provided in the Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Website (SPT&C) (the “Site”) regarding physical therapy is for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract or other covenant or agreement of any kind between SPT&C and any person or entity unless otherwise expressly specified. The references to physical therapy treatment are intended to provide useful insight to potential patients. We take pride in delivering the best professional physical therapy and chiropractic services for the treatment of on-the-job injury and car accident cases. Our staff provides the highest level of physical therapy and chiropractic treatment. Our offices are in Melville and Islandia, NY.

EMG Test and Nerve Conduction Test

EMG Nerve Testing for Radiculopathy and Neuropathy

EMG/NCV Testing On-site

Your body is an electrical generator! Nerves and muscles create electrical signals that deliver messages to your brain. Then, sensory nerves deliver information about your immediate environment to the brain. Also, the motor nerves deliver signals from the brain to stimulate your muscles.

Electrodiagnostic testing measures the electrical activity of your muscles and nerves. Further, our doctor measures the electrical activity to determine if there is nerve damage. Next the doctor evaluates the cause of the damage. Furthermore they determine if the damaged nerves are responding to treatment. Measuring the speed and degree of electrical activity in your muscles and nerves can help the doctor make a proper diagnosis. In addition, nerve damage can cause pain, weakness or numbness in your neck, back, or hands.

Two tests are commonly used to diagnose nerve damage. Those tests being the Electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) tests.

Electromyography Testing (EMG Test in Suffolk, New York)

Looking for a EMG test in Suffolk, NY? You are in luck. EMG test records and analyzes the electrical activity in your muscles. Firstly, we will ask you to relax and tense the muscle. Then, the doctor will listen and watch a screen that shows the electrical signals.

Nerve Conduction Test (NCV): Suffolk County, NY Chiropractic Electrodiagnosticians

A nerve conduction test is also called a nerve conduction study. Thus these tests measure how electrical impulses move along a nerve. Also, it is often done at the same time as an electromyogram. Furthermore, this is to exclude or detect muscle disorders. A healthy nerve conducts signals with greater speed and strength. There is a myelin sheath-the insulating coating that surrounds the nerve. Further, the condition of this coating influences the speed of nerve conduction. The nerve conduction test distinguishes between different conditions. Finally, doctors can differentiate between true nerve disorders and other conditions affecting muscles.

Resolving Radiating Pain: The Role of EMG Nerve Test and Nerve Conduction Test after an Accident Injury

Are you experiencing radiating pain, numbness, or tingling after sustaining an injury? You might be surprised to learn that seeking an EMG nerve test and nerve conduction test could be the key to uncovering the root cause of your discomfort. In Suffolk County, NY, certain no fault physical therapy and chiropractic offices offer these diagnostic procedures to help you find relief and improve your overall well-being. Read on to discover why these tests are crucial for anyone enduring such symptoms following an injury.

To Summerize the importance of the EMG Test and Nerve Conduction Test for people living in Suffolk, NY

If you’re experiencing long standing radiating pain, numbness, or tingling following an injury, it may be necessary to undergo an EMG nerve test and nerve conduction test. These diagnostic procedures, readily available in Suffolk County, NY, through Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic, can unveil the root cause of your discomfort. By accurately identifying nerve-related issues, our healthcare professionals can design tailored treatment plans for a timely recovery and improved quality of life. Don’t let radiating pain hold you back – take the first step towards relief and book your nerve tests today.

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MUA Procedure
Electrodiagnostic Testing – Patient Info Statement

All information provided in the Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Website (SPT&C) (the “Site”) regarding electrodiagnostic testing is for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract or other covenant or agreement of any kind between SPT&C and any person or entity unless otherwise expressly specified. The references to electrodiagnostic testing are intended to provide useful insight to potential patients. We take pride in delivering the best professional physical therapy and chiropractic services. Our staff provides the highest level of care when it comes to electrodiagnostic testing. Our offices are in Melville and Islandia, NY.