Pediatric Chiropractic Care
Pediatric chiropractic care adjustments on infants and children are very gentle adjustments on certain parts of the spine. These chiropractic adjustments typically use a single fingertip to correct the vertebras positioning and allow the nerve pathways to function efficiently. Chiropractors have stressed the importance of having newborns checked for vertebral alignment for many years. Checking the spine of an infant is painless and easy. The importance of a developing baby being free of nervous system interference from alignment problems is significant. Some infants may have subluxations (out of position bones in the spine) due to the arduous birthing process also known as traumatic birth syndrome. Baby chiropractic care helps the child rid themselves of the problem.
“My son experienced a traumatic birth. The birthing process caused him to have a lot of trauma to his neck and back due to the breach birth. At one year old, my pediatrician recommended Dr. Dow as a solution to reduce his painful crying. It worked and I quickly became a believer in pediatric chiropractic dare.”
– Tiffany R. – Babylon, NY
Baby Chiropractic Care
In addition, pediatric chiropractic care is much more than just pain relief. As chiropractors, we ensure that the spine is functioning properly. This eliminates nerve system interference and irritation. The nerve system controls every single cell, tissue, muscle, and organ in your body. The body will not function at its best when there is nerve system irritation. Because chiropractic care helps relieve nerve system irritation, kids who receive chiropractic care may see a decrease in common childhood issues like:
Child Chiropractic Care
Child Chiropractic Care Toddlers all experience minor falls and collisions placing pressure on the spine. Through childhood, collisions and injury treatment become more severe and frequent as children become involved in activities and sports. Regularly scheduled child chiropractic care visits can connect the subluxations which often improves the health of the child.
Do I need a lawyer before I am able to receive treatment?
No. We welcome all patients and can be seen with or without having a lawyer. If you are having difficulty filling out the paperwork, our staff can help expain the process and provide the correct forms.
How Do I Make an Appointment?
If you are looking to make an appointment please call our office directly. If you are unable to get our receptionist kindly leave a voice message with your contact information.
How Do I Cancel my Appointment?
If you choose to cancel please call our office and speak to our receptionist.
Am I able to be seen without having my claim number yet?
Yes. If you were involved in a work related accident or perhaps a car accident our staff is willing to accommodate you today.
Pediatric Chiropractic Care – Baby – Child – Patient Info Statement
All information provided in the Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Website (SPT&C) (the “Site”) regarding pediatric chiropractic treatment is for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract or other covenant or agreement of any kind between SPT&C and any person or entity unless otherwise expressly specified. The references to pediatric chiropractic treatment are intended to provide useful insight to potential patients. We take pride in delivering professional chiropractic services. Our staff provides the highest level of physical therapy treatment for our patients. Our offices are in Melville and Islandia, NY.