Doctor - Roland Dela Serna
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Biography – Dr. Roland V. Dela Serna
Dr. Roland Dela Serna, DPT is a highly experienced doctor of physical therapy, with over two decades of experience in the outpatient clinical setting with a focus on orthopedic conditions and the treatment of injuries. Over his time practicing as a physical therapist he gained knowledge in the fields of orthopedics, car accident injury care, and work accident injury care.
As an outpatient physical therapist he accelerated to become a lead therapist in multiple medical practices where he was required to oversee and review other therapists treatments and documentation.
He prides himself on accurate evaluation and tailoring a patient specific plan of care to give the patient the bast chance of full recovery. In addition to the treatments patients receive in the office setting, he instructs and demonstrates various treatments, stretching and exercises to help patients become more independent and self sustainable.
Dr. Roland Dela Serna’s Previous Physical Therapy Experience
From 2011-2015 Dr. Dela Serna worked in medical practice, specifically an orthopedic group where he rendered therapy and treatments to injured patients, and also patients that have undergone surgery to repair soft tissue injury. In 2015 he began a career under the direct supervision of a highly qualified orthopedic surgeon in long island. His position was a physical therapy director where he assumed the responsibilities of a full pledge physical therapist in accordance to the norms and code of ethics of an allied health care provider.
From this background and experience, Dr. Roland Dela Serna strongly believes that every person or patient is a unique individual with unique goals and desires and as such his aim is to work with the patient to provide the care and education that will enable them to return to their optimal health and performance. Dr. Roland Dela Serna has a wide range of expertise treating patients recovering from injuries including orthopedic surgery, rehabilitation for neck and back injuries , musculoskeletal problems, neurological complaints, and many more. He pledges to be accurate and effective.