Doctor - George E. Resnick
Doctor of Chiropractic (EDX Testing)
Biography – Dr. George E. Resnick
Dr. Resnick’s area of specialty is in the field Electrodiagnostic testing. He maintains professional service relationships with doctors in the specialty areas of:
Practicing since 1991, he has many working relationships due to his professionalism. A graduate of New York Chiropractic College, Dr. Resnick has a proven track record of success. Furthermore, he has various testimonials throughout the medical community.
He holds a Diplomate status and Board Certification in Chiropractic Neurology and Electrodiagnostics. He has fellowship status with the international academy of chiropractic neurology & ACFN.
Dr. Resnick focuses on remaining up to date with cutting-edge technologies. He has a particular interest in the area of Neuromuscular Electrophysiology. Dr. Resnick’s continuing education is of utmost importance to him. His mission is to offer the highest quality of electrodiagnostic testing and healthcare.