Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Office in Commack, NY

Qualified and Experienced Commack Chiropractor – Durlan Castro, DC

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Picture of the Commack Chiropractor office that accepts No-Fault Insurance and Workers Comp


350 Veterans Memorial Hwy
Commack, NY 11725-4316
P: (631) 249-0011
F: (631) 249-1793
Picture of Commack, NY Chiropractor Doctors office reception area
Picture of Commack, NY Chiropractor waiting area chairs
Picture of Commack, NY Chiropractor treatment table car accident injury treatment and workers comp
Picture of Commack Chiropractor Office in Commack, NY with a DRX9000

Request a Free Call with our Accident Doctors Today!

Commack Chiropractor for Car Accident Treatment

Car accidents can be traumatic, leaving individuals injured and unsure about their next steps in the recovery process. Thankfully, residents of Long Island seeking a commack chiropractor can turn to Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic. Our top-notch car accident injury treatment is particularly suited for those covered by no-fault car insurance. With our expert team of professionals, Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic ensures a comprehensive and personalized approach to rehabilitation, assisting patients in recovering their well-being and quality of life.


Understanding No-Fault Car Insurance

No-fault car insurance is a type of coverage that allows accident victims to seek medical treatment without having to prove fault or liability. In New York, this coverage is mandatory, providing compensation for medical expenses and other related costs incurred due to a car accident, regardless of which party is at fault. Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic recognizes the importance of this coverage and tailors their services to accurately align with the intricacies of no-fault car insurance policies.


Specialized Commack Chiropractor for Injury Care

Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic specializes in offering comprehensive car accident care, encompassing both physical therapy and chiropractic treatments. In this location, Dr. Durlan Castro, a commack chiropractor specializing in ART therapy helps people recover rapidly. His ART technique for addressing musculoskeletal injuries is quite effective.


Physical Therapy

Through a range of exercises, stretches, and manual techniques, physical therapy aims to restore strength, flexibility, and range of motion to injured individuals. Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic employs licensed physical therapists who assess the specific injuries sustained during the car accident to develop a targeted rehabilitation plan. This location does not currently offer physical therapy, however Islandia and Melville both offer this service.


Commack Chiropractor Treatment and Modalities

Chiropractic care focuses on aligning the musculoskeletal system, including the spine, to relieve pain and promote overall well-being. Our Commack Chiropractor at Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic employs various techniques, such as spinal adjustments, ART therapy, massages, and rehabilitative exercises, muscle spasm treatment, to alleviate pain, and enhance the body’s natural healing process.


Multispecialty Approach

The team at Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic understand that car accident injuries can manifest in various ways. From whiplash and fractures to soft tissue injuries and chronic pain, their specialists carefully evaluate and diagnose each patient to determine the most effective treatment plan.


Physical Evaluations

Prior to commencing any car accident injury treatment, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted to identify the extent of injuries sustained during the car accident. This includes a detailed medical history assessment, physical examination, and x-ray imaging tests if necessary.


Treatment Plans

Based on the evaluation, a custom treatment plan is created to address the specific injuries and pain management goals of each patient. Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic ensures that treatment plans are regularly reviewed and adjusted to accommodate progress or changes in the individual’s condition.


Collaborative Care

Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic understands the significance of an integrated approach to car accident injury care. They maintain open lines of communication with other healthcare providers, such as orthopedic specialists and pain management specialists, to ensure a collaborative treatment strategy for optimal results.


Why you should choose a Chiropractor in Commack to help with your Personal Injury

Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic is a trusted healthcare provider for residents in Commack, NY, seeking a commack chiropractor. By offering neck pain treatment, back pain treatment we aim to restore the well-being. Through comprehensive evaluations and personalized treatment plans, Suffolk Physical Therapy & Chiropractic ensures that each patient receives the utmost care and attention necessary to overcome their car accident-related injuries.


Experienced Chiropractors in Commack, NY

Dr. Durlan Castro
Dr. Durlan Castro


Dr. Thomas F. Dow
Dr. Thomas F. Dow
